Online store + CMS

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • lukus_W0

    Hmm.. well - I suppose, it's not really good enough.

    "[..] it removed those items from their cart but didn't display a message explaining why."

    Sounds like a quick fix would be to make sure a message _is_ added explaining why.

    I think this is a problem that's specific to paid-for (non-opensource) systems.

    They have a product which is supported by a small team, and because they have limited resources it's difficult for them to scale their operation as they build up a larger client-base. It's also difficult for them to explore all the relevant concerns of their client-base for the same reason.

    I've heard of similarly disruptive problems with Magento - where issues have been left for months without a reply; because users aren't contributors - and are dependent on the small Magento team to solve the problem.

    This is where (imo) an open-source system provides more benefit. All the people making use of it are generally committed to helping improve the CMS product - and solutions are worked on by the users. There's not so much dependency on a parent company to fix issues.

    • or it's possible they have issues for the opposite reason, everything is distributed and your store doesn't sit on one serveracescence
    • ... one serveracescence
    • interesting idea..... the distributed idea could probably be tested with a dedicated server + test codevaxorcist

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