From PT Freelance to FT Employee?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • nb0

    "I feel like I deserve not only more than what they are offering, but more than what I am currently making. The amount of work and responsibility that I have taken on since initially signing on as a freelancer has grown quite a bit. I was brought on to do work strictly for the company's website. This has since expanded to doing everything from the same web work, to interactive, to print for multiple departments."

    ^ This holds your answer right here.

    You're not out of place at all. Seems like you've given it some thought, and you feel you deserve more. Sounds to me like you deserve it.

    All you need to do now is convince your boss that you're worth more. Be prepared. Make a mental list of all the points to make your case, both strong and weak, and memorize them. Try to imagine every possible argument they could come up with, no matter how unlikely, and come up with a counter-argument.

    Psyche yourself up and get ready for the meeting with your boss. Pick an exact time and date to meet him/her/them but don't tell them when you plan to meet. You want to catch them off guard, it'll help your case. Best bet is to pop your head in their office with the ol' "Got a minute to talk about that offer?"

    Also, decide on the salary that you want. Try to guess the maximum they'd pay you, then add a lot. Start high. There will always be room to negotiate down. In my experience, you won't need to negotiate if your original case is strong. Don't forget to prepare for arguments. A common one is "we can't pay you that, it's more than so-and-so makes." There's always a counter-argument.

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