Looking For More Tracks

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • abettertomorrow0

    Start with some labels or artists you know and browse through the related albums and artists on Discogs, Beatport, Boomkat and other sites. Also I think you'll find almost every subgenre of music has its own blog these days, some of which are really good.

    Half of DJing is learning about the music and doing that crate digging type of work, otherwise why bother.

    • it's very true but it's so bloody hard to keep up.. I allocate 2 days a month for trolling juno to see what to order and I can barelyneue75_bold
    • barely scratch the surface, and usually ending up listening to so much garbage...neue75_bold
    • but clearly, it's a hobby for me and not something I can dedicate much time to researching regularly..neue75_bold
    • you gotta do the work. Listen to mixes and get the track list. Find a song u like and find the producers other tracks.err
    • You ever check out Turntablelab? They specialize in the kind of music you posted above and do a much better job with the reviews and editorial aspect.abettertomorrow
    • job with the reviews and editorial aspect (@neue). I've never been a big fan of Juno.abettertomorrow
    • http://digital.turnt…abettertomorrow
    • yeah, I'm actually pretty up with the above listed, it's more of the minimal techno side of things, which I don't think TTLneue75_bold
    • specialise in?neue75_bold
    • but you're right, juno sucks in a lot of ways, they just tend to stock more, TTL tends to sell stock out quickly..neue75_bold

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