Out of context: Reply #15

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  • fyoucher10

    Nice E-Pill! You should turn these into toys.

    Some comments on your site...

    I know you're not a Flash guy but it'd be nice if you could maintain the nav's size but then scale the bottom image area proportionally according to browser size (ala liquid layout). To be able to tile the backgrounds across the entire webpage background would be nice too. It looks like they are part of your robot bitmaps right now though.

    I'd bump image quality up, looks a bit pixelated.
    Kern that '1' in the footer in '2011'.
    Your logo looks aliased, I'd add some antialising to that sucka.
    "Controller"s is spelled wrong, you only have one 'L'. I saw it on Model 8, not sure if it's in others.

    • toys are in the works for the future, its just expensive too tool the molds for it..e-pill
    • been looking into 3D printers, but tooling will still need to be made n that cost is ridiculous.e-pill
    • due to the amount of moving parts i would have, or maybe ill just make stiff stand alone onese-pill
    • my goals is for DIE-CAST METAL like old school style Godaiken toyse-pill
    • not the soft vinyl stuff you see out of hong kong and kid robot style..e-pill
    • ok after this weekend, i learnt a lil more towards the resize, and what you are saying..e-pill
    • but what is liquid layout and how do i achieve that?e-pill

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