Out of context: Reply #17

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  • fyoucher10

    Looks like you have them with JPEG compression. I'd maybe try 'Saving For Web and Devices' in Photoshop and trying an 8-bit PNG instead of JPEG and see what the file sizes and quality come out to. The Robots would work great as 8-bit PNG but the background pattern in the background would work better as JPEG simply because you also put a linear gradient on top of the pattern (the pattern gets darker as it gets towards the bottom). Personally I'd take out that gradient and use PNG so it's more crisp, plus I think the file size would lower dramatically.

    2011: Bring the second 1 closer to the first 1.

    Aliased: You'll notice the edges of your logo has 'step-like' edges. Anti-aliasing will blur that a bit and make the edges look smoother. If it's vector in AI, then copy and paste it into your Robot comp in PS and create a Smart Object, and then scale the layer and add layer effects like dropshadow etc.

    • I'd actually take that logo out of the image file and put it inside of the Flash file....fyoucher1
    • So it's not moving along with the Robot image, keep it persistentfyoucher1
    • 8 bit PNG is like GIF (but different)fyoucher1
    • It's based on colors and since you don't have a lot of gradients in the Robots, 8-bit PNG would be a great fit.fyoucher1
    • the logo, is actually how i sign my work, so "it stays" hahaha but i know what you mean..e-pill
    • for me, if the image moves, if its carried if its on a moving billboard, my logo is btm cornere-pill
    • it moves with the art, as it is part of the art itself.e-pill
    • PNG-8 looks to work nicely!!
      thanks for the tip!!
    • but all my work i do in illustrator not photoshop.. i rarely touch photoshop.e-pill
    • fixed the 1 on the copy, thanks for that as well.e-pill
    • do you use ichat or aim? care to do some 1-1 advice? my ichat name "frozendeadgumby"e-pill
    • that aliased part in photoshop seems rather complicated or is it easy, i wasnt using ps for it.e-pill
    • i saved for web thru illustrator and just uploaded the files to my server. should i use pshop?e-pill
    • Don't use a chat (for years). Yep, PS. Anti-aliasing technique is easy as copy, paste, and scale.fyoucher1
    • I'm off now, chat tomorrow!fyoucher1
    • thanks for all your help, ill be here tomorrow. with more updates.e-pill
    • i re-saved and re-uploaded it to fit 27" in monitors and can be resized to anything smaller.e-pill
    • so it should be clear to any size screen.. but on some they are and some they arent..e-pill

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