Photography style Q?

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • vaxorcist0

    It may have been done in a huge hurry.. in a less-than-favorable lighting environment...... I've shot motorcycles in a warehouse where we only had an hour and a half, and all these horrible house lights to contend with, we had to hang some huge silks and move lots of stuff around to get fight the house light reflections from hell....

    I can imagine a shoot like this where the people who give the photographer access to the car have no idea how much of tight situation they're putting him/her in.... a product shoot for a shiny car takes time and space to setup, and/or usually happens in a studio with a HUGE light source like:

    • yes, but did he sync his strobe with the sun.bigtrick
    • that is one hell of a soft-boxbetelgeuse
    • "high speed sync," if you will.bigtrick
    • lol - bigtrickbetelgeuse
    • yes, he did sun-sync.... probably he had a parking lot shoot and not much time...vaxorcist

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