A Serbian Film - NSFW

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Boz0

    one very interesting thing that not a lot of people will notice.. most of the brutal things happening in the movie are actual swear words people use in Serbian language.. I mean nobody does those things but we use them a lot:

    1. Jebem mu detence (fuck your kid)
    2. Jebem te u mozak (fuck your brain)
    3. Jebem u oko coravo (fuck your blind eye)

    etc etc..

    We cuss a lot as people, and that's probably where aggression comes from.. we try to vent by using the most absurd swear words when you can't express yourself differently.

    • it is from frustration we cuss..and the director in one part took those things and made them so vividly brutal.Boz
    • and what about the whole sexual relationship Serbs have with God?caput58
    • what sexual relationship with God?Boz
    • "jebo te bog" in all its versions and permutations for different uses from affection to hatred.caput58

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