Out of context: Reply #24

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  • NonEntity0

    Lunchtime & I spotted some story in the news about dogs being skinned alive in China & thought it didn't sound quite right. Sounded like some tall story some sandal-wearing campaigner had embelished along the line somewhere.

    Checked it on youtube and yup there it was, damned grisly footage with this poor dog waking up, after being knocked unconscious, in the middle of being skinned, and the guy carrying on regardless.

    My CD happened to turn around just then! — me still with half-eaten sandwich in hand and vaguely chewing the last remnants of the last bite I took minutes before. I was kind of half-frozen in disbelief, but it came across like I was just half-bored unwinding, working up an appetite for my sammidge with some good ol' animal skinning of a lunchtime. He was kind of lost for words, haha...!

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