Out of context: Reply #28

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  • orrinward0

    Recently a developer joined the small company I work for. We all work from our own laptops at the moment, and mine is my home laptop. The night before the event I'm describing happened I'd been taking some naughty pictures for the missus as she was in the states. I'd sent them to her in an email.

    My new colleague who I'd know for all of a week or so is round on my desk trying to sort me out with the latest version of Rails, and we were getting errors. He says the best the thing to do would be take a screenshot of my Gemfile and send it to him.

    With him over my shoulder I take a screenshot, save it to desktop and fire up GMail. Forgetting momentarily that GMail remembers the last specified location for attachments, I click 'add attachment' and that's the reason I now have thumbnails turned off.

    I apologised and jokingly said 'As part of initiation we show each other our cocks' and we both just sort of pretended it didn't happen and carried on working on my screen for an hour or so.

    When I worked at Absolute Radio the IT guys had remote access to our PCs if we needed assistance, but sometimes they'd abuse this power. I'd often come in in the morning to find Goatse as my background, or my homepage switched to YouPorn, with my boss behind me. Thankfully we were relaxed with everything!

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