Critical Mass Brazil

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • rascuache0

    Bit harsh to tar all drivers with the same brush, I think it depends on where you ride. Idiots are definitely in the minority where I live as most drivers are used to the high number of cyclists. You do get the odd impatient wanker in a taxi every now and again though, but that's to be expected anywhere I reckon.

    Critical mass events could be organised a bit better though, they should use a defined route (not necessarily the same one every month) so that drivers can plan around it. On Friday most people just want to get the fuck home, so having a planned route for motorists to avoid might remove a lot of the tension that goes with having your journey home held up.

    • i know it's a generalisation, but it's one of the only ones i allow myself to make.pizzafire
    • I guess in some cities it may be justified, I've only ever commuted in Cambridge where cycling is massively popularrascuache

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