
Out of context: Reply #46

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  • shellie0

    Ive quit twice when I felt the axe coming down. Once some co-workers were conspiring against me for a power move up for themselves. The second time, I got a letter of reccomendation for a raise from one of my clients (at Disney) and they were so pissed, they had it out for me after that (I didn't ask for the letter either, it was offered). The only reason why they didn't fire me was because I could have sued both times for illegal dismissal. But, I felt hawk eyes waiting for any mistake. Looking back, I wish I would have let them get rid of me. I would have had a lawsuit on my hands. I've never done anything to deserve getting fired except maybe bodying my work better than the person next to me with the same job. That pisses insecure people off.

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