B****h Served me

Out of context: Reply #75

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  • Amicus0

    I wish you luck – especially with custody.

    I'm going to have to bite the bullet soon and go through a custody battle of my own. I only see my kids for about 24 hours a week at the moment, and my nine year old still can't ride a bike without trainer wheels. I can't stand their step dad (or their mum for that matter).

    I spent more time with my nephew this easter than I've spent with my kids in the last three weekends combined.

    I'm sure you've been given all this advice, but ask for more than you want on every count. You can always gain some graces with your ex by giving her back stuff that you don't really want. Remember, you're pretty much tied to her for life, so no matter what happens you need to keep it civil for the kids.

    • <<<OSFA
    • That sucks Amicus. Must be hell...BusterBoy
    • It's all kinds of hell. It's a test of patience, of wills and strategising what to say or ask for is like playing chess against a master.Amicus

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