B****h Served me

Out of context: Reply #84

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  • shellie0

    @canhasQBN, one of the better examples of why marriage is important. My mom and dad were never married until 2 years before he died of cancer. Because he was my step father, I wouldn't have had access to him at the hospital. My mom wouldn't have been granted his social security benefits (important, because the cancer emptied their retirement and savings) and his children would have control over final decisions, his body and burial. He did not want any of that. His children would also have more of a case in probate court. He also did not want that.

    There are benefits married people have that regular joes on the street do not have in relation to another person and their affairs especially when children are involved. It's not all bad. But, it obviously doesn't always work out either.

    My biological father is a douche and a coward for running back to his family on the east coast after my parent's divorce and not being there by my side growing up. I'm sure it would have been harder for him, but even as a 7-8 year old I knew that was a lame excuse and he's stuck by that ever since (it's still lame). I saw him a few summers directly after the divorce, but our relationship was fractured by then. I later chose camp, friends, and activities over traveling far to see a guy I wasn't close to for the summer and my step dad took over. Although my step dad was thefuckingbomb.com i don't know why any man would let another man raise their children and not actively get their two cents in. Whatever you do, stay within a short drive of your children. They will thank you later.

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