Why Amazon rocks!

Out of context: Reply #20

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  • MarleyMarl0

    @dnoobie: The history of Boz is complicated. He turned his back on QBN many moons ago and took camp with the Yayhooray cronies. At first he was welcomed into his new pack but not long after his true Bozness shone bright. He bragged about his 40 monitor whach-a-monkey set up. He bragged about his A6. He bragged about his home. He bragged about selling his A6 and whether he should be another expensive Audi or a BMW.

    Before long the Yayhooray cronies grew ire. The tarred and feathered his Bozness to which he left Yayhooray, tail between his legs and came back to same community he once shunned.

    • Behind the Musicmonospaced
    • turned his back on QBN LOL.. you are such a creepy fuck aren't you.Boz
    • Sounds a bit Hedge-ish.Continuity
    • btw what happened with your account? You got banned from QBN so you had to reregister again? Yep, that's what happens with wackos like you.Boz
    • thank you for filling me in. I'm new to qbn, and still trying to figure out all the nuances.dnoobie
    • happens with wackos like you.Boz
    • whack-a-monkey hahascarabin
    • The truth shall set ye free Boz, the truth shall set ye free.MarleyMarl
    • LOL.. you are a sad little monkey.Boz

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