3D: Flash vs HTML5

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • Pupsipu0

    I'm not a fanboy of HTML5 or Flash, I think they're a waste of people's time. They're technological legacy, shit we'd rather be rid of but we can't because of some decade old successes.

    I'd rather have some framework to run a variety of APIs and languages on all computers, so Browsers, Flash, Silverlight, Objective-C, Unity would just be personal preferences, but that's not currently practical.

    There's no doubt who the delusional fanboys are. You're as crazy for Flash as dh is crazy for open standards. I don't care one bit for either, they both promised the moon and delivered capabilities from the 90's.

    Again, the ROME WebGL demo was not possible in Papervision 2 years ago. It may seem that way at a glance, but not if you count the polygons and framerates. The most popular 3D engine for WebGL is Mr. Doob's Three.js. Notice how Mr. Doob, a Flash superstar, doesn't share a religious devotion to Flash. There are lots of other WebGL engines, as many, if not more than Molehill engines.

    The last posts on the Papervision blog are from 2010 http://blog.papervision3d.org/. Seems most people moved on to Away3D or others because Papervision for F10 was abandoned, while Away3D kept up.

    As far as community size, Github is a good enough indicator and ActionScript is like #15 there. No doubt Flash's community is smaller and produces less libraries.

    So far Molehill capable Flash is the same 0.1%. WebGL and Molehill will come out around the same time. Both have hardware acceleration that won't be consistent across devices and OSs.

    And as far as your blabbering hostile responses, I'll just assume your Audi broke down.

    • okay.. you didn't deserve that much hostility. Sorry D.Boz
    • You are entitled to your opinion.Boz
    • Hey, the web is still young, and we're years away from being able to do 'everything' in one language/framework/A...Mojo
    • Pupsipu has the lead.mrdoob

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