AIR 2.7

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • Boz0

    an btw AS3 is a true object oriented language.. There's nothing shit about it and it gets out of your way because it has a lot of the garbage collection automated for you.. Compared to Objective-C it's magic and beautiful to work with.. Obj-c is absolute SHIT language.. I get diarrhea every time I work with it. The only thing that makes it "acceptable" is because of Cocoa framework and the fact that Xcode and UI are a great development environment. Obj-C as language is absolute trash. That's why you have thousands of apps that are pure garbage and run like shit. Because coders need to properly handle memory and garbage collection and huge percentage of them don't care or doesn't know how to do it properly.

    Java is better than AS3? Are you fucking kidding me? While Java is very similar to AS3 in syntax it's a such goliath to work with.. It's so fragmented with libraries and frameworks that it's a huge mess not to mention same problems with handling memory.

    I work with all of these languages (less so with Java but I'm getting to some serious levels these days).. and while they have positives in certain scenarios, they know to be difficult and not to mention the fact that you are stuck to one platform with them if you go mobile side. To publish apps for desktop, mobile, TVs, pads there isn't a single solution (beside what Adobe is trying to do with AIR minus doing HTML sites packaged as apps that have zero flexibility in appearance as well as performance) that will work across the board. It won't satisfy all of people's needs and some will still need to go native but it sure beats coding for every platform in native languages. That's just nuts.. If you can offer clients a great looking, great performing app that runs on all platforms AND tvs and web and desktop for the 1/4 of the price and time of going native, it makes you more valuable. Tell them they need to code each app in different languages, pay 4 different programmers to maintain it and do it in months instead of weeks and you'll lose the project. I know, because it's happening right now.

    If you are telling other people to learn other languages then give your points on why instead of just rambling. It makes you look silly.

    • I meant Xcode and IBBoz
    • obj-c does garbage collection on the desktop, it purposefully doesn't on iOS for performance reasonsanimatedgif

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