London Riots

Out of context: Reply #361

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  • set0

    Personally the only possible way I can see for humanity to sort itself out is for some sort of mass extinction to take place. Then the few that survive can rebuild and learn from the past mistakes. Meteor, alien invasion.... earth changes. Bring it.

    Or ideally.... some kind of scientific rapture. As we path through a higher vibrational region of space, anyone vibrating on a negative level gets deaded, or left behind in the negative plane of existence - 'hell'.... while everyone vibrating on the higher frequencies of love and kindness get to transcend to the new utopia.

    Not that I would make it.

    • sup numbers guyernexbcn
    • sup television watching no brain guy.set
    • 2012 man!!! 2012!!!!!Projectile
    • let's hope. (this comment was a joke by the way) kind of.set
    • the post I mean, not the note.set
    • *rapturesset
    • I have no tv you insensitive clod!ernexbcn
    • true. only way humans can come together is through tragedy. scientifically and historically proven74LEO
    • I'm only joking ernex, good on you.set
    • @ernexbcn - lol
      @set - you weren't joking

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