Noob grid question

Out of context: Reply #11

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  • fresnobob0

    I'm a complete proponent of using your eye first, not math, however...

    The size of your columns, the margins between them, and image margins should generally be based upon your type size and leading. Your leading is kind of the smallest regular measurement you will see on the page, so use it! I personally like my stuff super even, so I use my leading, as my column margin, but say for example I had 3 even columns, mostly of full text, I wouldn't do this because it would be too even and could make things confusing to read. So, really, it totally depends, which is why you shouldn't just use math! No one is ever going to get down and measure your stuff to make sure it is perfect, especially if it looks like it is perfect.

    The Elements of Typographic Style totally has the info you need. Its very easy to find a pdf of it on google...

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