Wikipedia Blackout

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • bliznutty0

    if i can say anything.. it is that liberty has always and will always be in jeopardy. the people need to fully admit and become fully aware of the dangers that arise from directly legitimized and authorized governments.. this is a story so ...true in history that it is predictable like clockwork .. given the popularity of being anti-SOPA, i want to stress that the tyrants who create these bills, working on behalf of corporate and other mysterious interests, are not doing so because of demand from society... its just bad! and this isn't just about SOPA.. this fight against our liberties takes place everyday by the same people we elected to protect our liberties.. a controversy to say the least! in fact, why are the same people who are claiming that terrorists are trying to take away our freedom, introducing and supporting these bills?! anybody willing to compromise our liberty is a fucking scumbag terrorist! but proof nonetheless that these powerful direct democracies are seriously dangerous given they always compromise our liberties on behalf of security.. a trick learned by the creators of fear and propoganda. --- let's put responsibility back into the hands of the people.. let us be free and make our own choices in life.. and properly serve justice against the true tyrants in this world - the co-conspiring government, military, and corporate officials who keep introducing acts that violate civil liberties, start wars, and throne banks... Ask yourself this: if Justice isn't supposed to protect Liberty - then what purpose is it? this is serious btw - i appreciate our support against SOPA and big brother government! now we need to get more support to repeal all the other anti-liberty acts that have already been put into law while noone was paying attention! remember? you were all surfing the internet and weren't paying attention.. but you were today!! lol</rant>

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