Crap brief

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • 24 Responses
  • Horp0

    Dear disrespectful dog walker,

    I'm watching out for you. It may take me a few more wasted hours at my window, but eventually I will identify which of you it is that leaves your dog's shit in the street outside, where people walk, where children play.

    Your dog shit gets on our shoes. It stinks. It comes into our houses if we haven't noticed it before we get home.

    So I'm going to quietly invest my free time in pursuit of your identity. Then, when I have you, I will follow you home. When you next let you dog shit on our streets, I will scoop it up and feed it to your letterbox. If you don't stop, I will come at you from behind, with a hammer, take you down in the darkness.

    While you twitch and shake in shock on the floor at my feet, I will take a shit that came from your dog's arsehole, and I will feed it to you, rub it into your skin, force it behind your eyelids, cake your mouth out with it, push it right up your nostrils so it hurts, force it into your ears so you cannot hear. I will cover you in your dog's shit. I will take back the time you have forced me to invest in finding you gleeful, with unhinged, depraved retribution.

    Your good friend,

    • with gleeful....
      gleeful with,,,
    • this must be the most effective, if you actually follow it throughd_gitale
    • Personally, the fact that its a possibility makes it effective without the action...Horp
    • You'd only have to seed the thought that there might be a mad person on the look out...Horp
    • Then go to first base with the shit through the letterbox part, and after that, fear would be enough.Horp
    • fuck you, candy

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