Website Crit...

Out of context: Reply #19

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  • detritus0

    Quite like the idea behind the general design, but the layout feels really retro, and not in a good way.

    OH GOD - right click is disabled? REALLY? ffs, man - this isn't the 90s.

    Why do you have two (three, including photography?) seperate sites within one site?

    Either partner up and get rid of your egos, choosing the best of both your work, or get to (or three) different sites.

    Aside from anything, you're pushing back your work behind layers of redundant and not very interesting (or, more importantly - useful) text.

    Where the work is concerned - less is more.

    YES, you've done some work for some well-known clients - NO, I don't need or want to see every iteration therein.


    I can't believe you've disabled right-click. That's just... I don't know, but it irritates me and makes me think a whole lot less of you.

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