Coda 2

Out of context: Reply #32

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  • animatedgif0

    re: nb + Dreamweaver

    For the price Dreamweaver has very poor functionality and it's programmed very poorly. Yes you can get by just using it as a code editor but why should you get by when far better options are available. For example Dreamweaver has barely any scripting support and the support it does have pales next to something like Textmate.

    Built in FTP isn't really essential anymore because decent FTP clients can keep your local changes in check with a remote server. Then again you shouldn't really be working like that anymore, it should be about developing locally on a local web server then pushing the changes.

    Dreamweavers check-in code management, again this might have been useful 10 years ago but these days this is better taken care of by git or svn, by abstracting things like this from the development tool you get the freedom for each developer to work how they want.

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