Google IO 2012

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • 49 Responses
  • animatedgif0

    "Apple creates iPad that cant handle flash, so they kill flash"

    Adobe killed Flash when they took their eyes off the road and tried to force it into being a Web app platform instead of a multimedia platform.

    This is all irrelevant anyway because it's not like Flash runs on the Nexus 7. Looks like Apple was right.

    • um.. Flash does run on Nexus 7 don't know what you are talking about.monolith
    • http://www.theverge.…animatedgif
    • Unless you mean compiled apps... which the iPad can also run so fuck knows what you're raving aboutanimatedgif
    • you do realize that there are gazillion browsers on Android. You meant Chrome. This is not iOS you know.monolith
    • and btw, Flash is not "killed". They are just not bringing new features to it, it's still there.monolith
    • Just because the corpse is still hanging about doesn't mean it's alive. Adobe ditched itanimatedgif
    • You need to find a new axe to grind Bozanimatedgif

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