Creative Strategy

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • vaxorcist0

    more semi-random ideas....

    different defintions of strategy...
    -client management strategy
    -strategy to determine tactics in order to reach your objective
    -strategy as whatever you can say to get client to say yes?!?

    yes, design agency vocab vs ad agency vocab...

    I think much of the design-agency vocabulary tends towards tactics, not strategy... i.e. our tactic is to "use very thin elegant fonts" and our strategy is to "appeal to the elegance-fetish of high-end condo buyers with new money who want to look like old money..."

    this does remind me of an oddball "strategy" seemingly used by a design agency I interacted with when I worked with a nonprofit agency that worked with highschool afterschool programs...

    the design agency pitched things in terms of how they conformed to what seemed like universal principles of aesthetics, the platonic ideal forms, how this was, well, descended from the heavens, so the client better not question it(!) Completely different from my agency mindset, but It wasn't my job to stir things up in that meeting... needless to say, a year later, the graphics done by that agency were replaced by images from a contest done by the kids themselves.... I wasn't a fan of either approach...

    So, as a "client management" strategy, the "appealing to the eternal rules of design" isn't always great...

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