OSX Mountain Lion

Out of context: Reply #89

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  • tOki0

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned this one yet:

    Power Nap

    When your Mac goes to sleep, it still gets things done with Power Nap.3 It periodically updates Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Photo Stream, Find My Mac and Documents in the Cloud. When your Mac is connected to a power source, it downloads software updates and makes backups with Time Machine. While all that updating is going on, the system sounds are silent and no lights or fans come on, so nothing disturbs you. And when your Mac wakes up, it’s good to go.

    I care not for checking email and so forth, as my ipad and phone do that fine - what I like is the fact that it will back up discreetly even if the machine is sleeping. Would be awesome if dropbox could also take advantage of this feature..

    • this is just for the new retina mbp's right?fourth
    • Its a mountain lion feature, requires a firmware update on some machines as well as an SSDtOki
    • SSD probably rules out more than 90% of computers.CyBrainX

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