No fuckn waaaaaay

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • monospaced0

    This whole generalization of America(ns) used to really piss me off (nod to scarabin) because I simply didn't agree with it. This, I now understand, is a direct result of my upbringing. My knowledge and understanding now, from world travel and the places I've lived, has opened my eyes to how the world views Americans and our culture. And still, I find myself separate from most of it, like many many individuals on this site.

    I was in the airport yesterday in Orlando, FL and I got to see a juicy slice of middle America waddling by (yeah, they waddle because they're fat) with their Disneyworld souvenirs and Walmart attire. Seeing this it's easy to make the assumption that Americans are ALL fat and uncultured, and it's hard to blame the rest of the world for stereotyping us like that. I wouldn't be suprised if any of the people I saw yesterday would refuse to try rabbit meat from any restaurant.

    I also realized during my travels that when a native in a foreign country asked me where I was from, the reaction to my answer was very different if I said "southern California" vs "USA," which means the rest of the world seems to have some understanding that not ALL of America is part of this general stereotype. My hometown had no mega stores or major chain restaurants, we ate organic/local foods because they were readily available and we interacted with people from all corners of the planet. I don't think this happens much in middle-America. It really is a shame, but I'm proud to say I'm not exactly lumped in with them.

    Who's with me?

    • except I am kinda fatmonospaced
    • pork chops and apple sauceutopian
    • I had that dish a handful of times. Pretty good, and nutritious. What's your point?monospaced
    • whenever I hear Americans talk in the berlin subway, especially girls, it goes like this:pressplay
    • and he was like, like, I don’t, like, care, like, what, you, like, say, like, you know, like, I just, like, huh huh, do like, you know, like, LIKE LIKE LIKEpressplay
    • Lol @ press play.pango
    • Nahh mono is only slightly over weight. Not too far from average.pango
    • if that make you feel better...pango
    • i hear you monomoldero

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