Old School Graphic Design?

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • 22 Responses
  • Horp0

    - Less people doing it.

    - Access to the tools to do it were almost no-existent unless you'd undertaken an apprenticeship which you were able to do because you had demonstrated a base-level talent for aesthetics.

    - It was a slower, linear process, in the age before commitee, where everyone involved knew the investments being made and had no choice but to operate with due care. No 'last minute changes' when you've commissioned a plate etching, giant 3D sign etc, unless you accept the costs and delays.

    - It was a simpler time, with less visual material and far fewer platforms, so the objctives were different and the work could have a sense of grace and restraint that would render it dull and invisible in the modern world.

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