measuring success?

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • Peter0

    If the Spice Girls and the Backstreet Boys have taught us just one thing it is that it doesn't matter who you were. Or where you are from. So stop benchmarking by that.

    Sure, it's an easy thing to do for some quick points: just imagine 30+ years ago you were shitting in your pants. Daily. And look how far you've got.
    But that sort of pondering won't get you far.

    Anyways, just like you, I figured you'd measure success by how close you are to the goals you have set in life. But that would suggest that success have a limit, and end of the road type of deal, and what you do on the way there isn't that much of a goal in itself. Which is complete wrong.

    Frankly, judging your life seems like a lose-lose situation to me:

    - If you're not successful in your own eyes you'd be either incited to do better if, you are bright, but more often than not you'd simply be bummed out. Like in your post (and I suspect the reason for posting
    it here).
    - However if you are successful, in your own criticizing eyes, you'd already know it and wouldn't need the measure it. You'd be happy already.

    My suggestion is simply to stop thinking about it all together.

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