Startup Vs. Agency

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • UKV0

    There are many breeds of startup. If you are looking at a gig that's venture funded, or has VC driving it, then just acknowledge that you are signing up for the wild west and anything can happen, good or bad, because for the most part the business model is to simply get one set of investors paid out by another set. Its a lot like a ponzee scheme most of the time.

    If however you are looking at a firm that's privately backed or driven by angel investors, and has a product that requires great design and creative thinking, then it might be really fun. If the startup doesn't fit well with your personal interests, chances are slim that it will be a good fit.

    I was at a funded music startup that melted down in true wild west style, and I ended up losing a couple of months salary out of the deal. Overall, super fun experience, but lessons learned.

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