How can Creationists argue

Out of context: Reply #62

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  • jazzman1210

    I think its possible for the earth to be older than 10,000 but still created by a creator.

    • < insanity. At what POINT did he create the earth. When the solar system was star dust?monospaced
    • We have models for how it was created, and they're accurate, so implying a creator is just... dumbmonospaced
    • sure, but that's not the issue. the issue is inventing answers because we don't know.cannonball1978
    • although this is a creationist thread.. there are other creation theories besides big bang and the christian's 7 day idea.plash
    • Well its kinda impossible for there to not be a higher being/creatorjazzman121
    • From a logical perspective... now even scientists can prove that there is a higher being/creator/Godjazzman121
    • No, logic does not point to a creator. It does point to a possible higher being in the universe, but not the same thing.monospaced
    • Lets see the source on that JazzmanNaygon

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