What age were you...

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • exador10

    always had a passion for art, since i could hold a pencil....
    most of my life I figured I'd be doing something artistic....was the one thing i had a talent at.
    sometime around the age of 14 or so, i was walking through the mall and saw an artist with a set up selling canvases of the usual oil painting crap...seashores, cats etc...the guy looked fucking miserable. i freaked. ...there was NO way i wanted a future that looked like that....
    around about the same time, i was in business class in highschool...grade 10 or so i think....was 15, i remember that much...
    any how, the teacher showed us a video about working at Chiat Day....

    i was absolutely fucking sold.

    Lee Clow was the main focus of the video.
    he was running around like Jim Henson on crack, working on ads, and mostly from what i could see, having the fucking time of his life...
    everyone there looked like a stoned hippy just having a blast...

    yep..that was all it took....
    from the time i was 15, i knew with absolute crystal clarity what i wanted.


    it's been a long, long time since then (I'm 40 now) and I've since seen it's a lot different from the video i saw at age 15....but i have never once regretted going into this field....
    i've been able to 'be' an artist for my entire adult life. designing, drawing creating...all of it....
    it's never been boring, and i still wake up every day happy to go to the office....

    i get to work on projects large and small....from clients that are tiny 'company around the corner' to brands like Google and top drawer stuff like that....hell....even got to work on a bunch of stuff for Barack Obama...which was fun as hell.....

    can't even imagine another career....nothing could compare to this....

    • Cool story, bro.
      No, like really.
      Not being ironic. Or snide.

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