Dog Owners Only

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • hereswhatidid0

    get a second opinion as well. Vets, specifically cat and dog only vets vary widely in their pricing. Also, most of the time you can negotiate the price down as they will typically include a lot of procedures that aren't truly necessary.

    I have a boston terrior that split a femur jumping off the deck. The first place I went to said the only option was a $2,000-$3,000 surgery. Told him no way would I pay that for an 8 year old, he immediately countered with, "Well, we could try a splint. That's around $400." So we did the splint and he's just fine now and we've changed to a more reasonably priced vet clinic.

    • Yeah we're coming out of a small town, so options are limited.. gotta take a ferry & 6 hour drive just to get to surgerymantrakid
    • Ouch!hereswhatidid

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