Amy's Baking Company

Out of context: Reply #102

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  • mg330

    I love how they're claiming they were hacked (I know it's old news already). If Yelp were "hacked" the vitriol would be coming from Samy/Amy. But it's not. It's just regular people commenting with their own accounts, and hardly any response from Samy/Amy.

    About Facebook being hacked:
    Let's say it was. Wouldn't this mean that someone hacks in and then change the password so that the account owner can't ever get back in? If that happened (which it didn't) then how would they go about getting control back? Would FB change something for them and give them access with a new password?

    • they would be able to reset password right away to their email. unless that was hacked.yurimon
    • They were hacked by their alter ego that has Tourette's.instrmntl
    • they were hacked by one of their 3 "sons." Meow!Krassy

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