London machete attack

Out of context: Reply #57

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  • pang0

    Radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has said he was "shocked" by the murder of a soldier in Woolwich, but has refused to condemn the attack.…

    Extremist preacher... born in UK, says he has the right to stay here and "air his views". Meanwhile, the UK gov just sit back and listen, 'Yeah, we knew about this guy years ago... he's on a list. Along with about a thousand others'. Great.

    Too much human rights in the UK.

    • disagree - no way we should let these mad fuckers turn us into a police state. that's what they wanthans_glib
    • So you'd have people what... imprisoned, deported... for their beliefs?set
    • @ set. This guy hates everything the western world stands for... but insists on living in a western country? Why?goldieboy
    • Because he has it very easy. And loves to public express 'his view' of hate to the the western way of life. He's a twat!goldieboy
    • I don't disagree but it's a slippery slope when we are legally condemning people simply for beliefsset
    • if*set
    • bullshit, set - you and i nearly came to blows over 'whether or not unicorns exist'. Asshat.detritus
    • Haha. That conclusion there made me smile again! QBN ain't so bad.formed
    • Penisracketset
    • Love watching you two flirtgoldieboy
    • sickoset

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