
Out of context: Reply #151

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  • CygnusZero40

    Albums in an idiot. Listen to the 9-11 call. First police told him to stay in the car, and the juror talked about this part, the police then asked him where Trayvon was going, basically asking him to find out.

    Zimmerman was walking through the complex looking, and then was confronted by an aggressive Trayvon, who turned into a tough thug (not surprising) and attacked him. Even though Trayvon was only 17 he was bigger than GZ.

    GZ had multiple injuries on his head, the back of his head being slammed into the sidewalk. It was proven that TM was on top, and therefore likely the aggressor and winning the fight. GZ said that TM said he was going to die tonight, the witness close by said TM was on top, and it thought it was GZ screaming for help, as did the jurors. Then he shot him.

    I would have done the same exact thing. I wouldnt lay there getting my ass kicked in until he cracked my skull open or jammed my nose into my brain. I would have used deadly force if I had to, which is legal, and GZ was acquitted for that reason.

    Deal. With. It.

    • Right on.shaft
    • Trayvon was taller not bigger. GZ had nearly 50 pounds on him if I'm not mistakenGlitterati_Duane
    • If you've ever played sports (or fought) you'd know that 50 pounds is an advantageGlitterati_Duane

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