Fuck Newspapers

Out of context: Reply #32

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    One of the big complaints about the declining money in the newspaper business is that there is a lot less money spent on foreign reporting. But, you know, most foreign countries have reputable news organizations. Why can't newspapers here get the articles from, say, a newspaper in Berlin, or one in Tokyo, and translate those, and publish them here.

    I for one would be more interested in what was in the Japanese newspapers, or the Korean newspaper, or the German press, than I would be in learning what some American traveling over there on an expense account thinks.

    The reporting, is, by and large, being done (obviously, except in countries that have egregious press controls). But it doesn't show up here until it's been run through a lot of American editorial filters, which support massive American prejudices.

    Obviously the model of American journalism for the last century wasn't so great. Americans of nearly every stripe and strata were incredibly ignorant of the world out there. (I remember Reagan asking, "Is France in NATO?" when he was President.) So, it's not as though the past model was so great in serving to make an informed public.

    And even touted news organizations like the New York Times have made enormous basic news blunders--like their endless stream of articles supporting the war on Iraq--in foreign coverage.

    So, it's not as though we're going from some great system, to chaos (which is how the news organizations portray it).

    I think a news aggregator that took the top 2 stories from each of the top two papers in each G20 nation, and translated them, would be better than anything we ever had in the past. And it wouldn't cost much, I don't think.

    • great points, it's why Al Jazeera has become so popular, people love seeing news from a different perspective and from_niko
    • ...the horses mouth._niko
    • even though it is incredibly biased.doesnotexist

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