YouTube logo redesign

Out of context: Reply #34

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  • identity0

    They don't have to worry about image association because they're already ubiquitous and a banal part of our culture (online or otherwise). A start up or a less-than-google company has to really try to come up with something proprietary to create differentiation. They own everything - they're different in the sense that no one is them.

    Your current argument about the "play button" not being ownable is true - but eventually, we will associate it with google. That's just a fact. In the same way we associate the typeface Catull with them, their color palette - when in a digital context - A PRIMARY color palette by the way as well as online mail, maps, directions, etc.
    They're big enough to come in an own anything they want (unless previously claimed by Apple or Facebook - but even that's arguable. Their spread alone could visually brand something in most people's mind in a few impressions.

    You can argue wether it's well-designed, granted - but it's going to do a VERY effective job for them in terms of brand recognition. As will all their other offerings once they get this treatment. It can ALWAYS be better. (ah, sweet subjectivity). The mercedes comparison is adept as mercedes has MANY competitors in that class - Bugatti would be closer in terms of competitors, but now you're dealing with a VERY niche audience that cares more about function and car design than the logo (which is heritage based and probably can't be considered a relative part of this conversation). Google isn't niche, its everywhere and everyman. It's the GE of the 21st generation.


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