Brand Revolution

Out of context: Reply #2

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    Dear Russell:

    I just finished watching your interview with Jeremy Paxman, aside from Mr. Paxman being a trite individual, it was fantastic exchange of new ideas vs. old. I'm sure you were expecting Sinead O'Conner, or Miley Cyrus to write you this open-air missive. Alas, I'm going to underwhelm you, because my fame and fortune are nonexistent. So, here it is, you get me, Michael, writing you in hopes to get your attention to some important issues, in which are pertinent to your revolutionary interview.

    As you summarized in your interview, people that have any sense, realize that voting changes nothing. Voting is an occupation for the disillusioned, the elderly, and hopeful tyrants. We all know that voting for a new master every four years, still doesn't make you free. Even still, the capacity to vote on people's fundamental human rights is the antithesis of freedom. Yet, this is the paradigm we live under, and are born into. In the United States there are approximately 240,000,000 people who are of voting age. In the 2012 elections, the total votes cast was approximately 130,000,000. That's a deficit of 110,000,000 people. It ends up around 65,000,000 people elect a supposed "leader" for the remaining 310,000,000. Of those voting, only a small percentage actually know what & how the government works. Although, they parrot the talking points like good citizens, as their smug partisan destroy lives.

    In 2012 the FEC stated that $7 billion dollars was spent on the elections, with the large banking institutions leading the charge. Most of it was spent on marketing. Controlling the narrative in the media, and greasing the hands of the well connected. It's a revolving door of political incest, and none of them care about anything other than the status quo. Free indeed.

    Stop voting, stop pretending, wake up. Be in reality now, time to be in reality now. Why vote, we know it's not going to make any difference, we know that already. ~ Russell Brand
    If the oligarchy can payout 7 billion in an election cycle, then the only chance the average person has, is to do guerilla marketing. What does that mean? It means writing open letters to the people that have a voice in media (you see what I did there?). It means introducing new ideas to your community, and making changes from the ground up. You know, I found it so enlightening to see someone in your position in the media, that would take such a stance against voting (and the system). I'm sure in people's heart of hearts, they are in agreement with you. I'd like to see more of this from you, except next time, turn it up a notch or twelve.

    So why am I writing you? There is a unique opportunity for you assist in championing the cause for BITCOIN. You have a good sense of what's right and what's wrong, and you have a humorous meld of eloquence in your delivery. I don't have to necessarily say it, but you're good at what you do. However, in my opinion, you're missing the mark on where the systemic problems really lie. Sure politicians, and corporations collude to extract every bit of resource & money out of the wold populace; however, you've missed the fundamental question. "Where does they money come from?"

    You may know that the world operates on a debt-based monetary system, with the US dollar used as the reserve currency. Imagine a couple of seedy characters in a dark basement of the Federal Reserve Bank, printing money at will. Although, it's not in a dark basement, it's a huge marble & granite edifice, and the printing are merely keystrokes on a computer. The characters are the large banks. They create the monetary bubble, they profit from it, then they burst the bubble, and they profit from it, while consolidating the wealth & assets in their coffers. A few decades of this, they have a destroyed monetary system with endless bubbles, dollar devaluation, corporate bailouts, government corruption. It's all about the money.

    apathy doesn't come from us, the people. The apathy comes from the politicians, they are apathetic to our needs, they're only interested in servicing the needs of corporations. ~ Russell Brand
    The system of banking & government largesse can only exist inside this debt-based currency system. Don't forget fractional reserve banking, and financial derivatives market, in which there are $1.2 Quadrillion dollars worth. The only way this system can sustain itself, is to increase the debt, which increases the money flowing into the banks & corporations. Not money flowing into corporations from valid product sales & services, but through the stock market. Blowing up financial bubble after financial bubble. Every bubble that bursts consolidates wealth more. The bubbles are fueled by the FED.

    Back to bitcoin. If you don't know what it is, I'd be happy to be your personal bitcoin consultant. Bitcoin is a digital currency that is decentralized, and not controllable by any central government, or organization. It's a payment system and money rolled into one. It can't be inflated into oblivion, it can cross boarders easily, and can be used globally. It's gold 2.0, it's the kryptonite of the banking system and errant governments. And when the shit hits the fan (like Cyprus), and they come looking for turnips to squeeze, they'll be out of luck. It's truly the people's currency. It's the honey badger of money.

    Here's what I ask of you:

    If you don't know about bitcoin, learn about it (the Consultancy offer still stands, you can contact me on this site)
    If you don't own bitcoin, buy some.
    Promote promote promote bitcoin, it's the catalyst for change.
    Use bitcoin, sell your comedy specials for bitcoin, convince your colleagues to use bitcoin.
    Promote it some more, help make it a cause.
    I say when there is a genuine alternative, a genuine option, then vote for that. ~ Russell Brand
    Here is your genuine alternative, and you don't have to wait until November 5th to vote for it. You spoke with great certainty of the revolution that is coming. As a non-violent, and peaceful person, the notion of a revolution tends to make me envision the abhorrent violence that usually is associated with revolution. The information revolution is well on it's way, and now it's time to create a peaceful bitcoin revolution, and vote with our bitcoins! I'm going to leave you with a quote that is not yours; however, it drives the point home on how much work is left to be done.

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. ~ Upton Sinclair

    Via Zero Hedge;…

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