
Out of context: Reply #181

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    "As Bitcoin Plunges 25% On Government Scrutiny, The First BTC "Fair Value" Reco Has A Stunning Price Target"
    (from that site above)

    Dunno, I must just be an old (or aging) man. I can't fathom why this would be any more than a speculative bubble.

    Gold - hedge against inflation (traditionally), a 'real' object w/ a finite amount (available)

    Microsoft - income of $20billion, a 'real' company, pays a dividend

    "Bitcoin Vulnerability Could Allow Malicious Miners to Seize Control"…

    "$400 is a perfectly reasonable target for Bitcoin. As is $1,000. As is $10,000 or $100,000 or $1 million.
    And as is $0.01.
    This is because Bitcoin has no inherent value."…

    • its same as printed fed reserve money. majority of money is digital anyway. this breaks the monopoly of money creation.yurimon
    • the whole concept of money is psychological anyway. world would be better place if people can get over money maybe.yurimon
    • this is a "trying to wrap my head around it" post - i know i still am, but can see it is definitely worth somethinginteliboy
    • I am the opposite, continuing to learn, but I feel like it is a 'fad'. Someone will hack it someday and it'll be over.formed
    • That's my gut, anyway, it certainly is a bubble, at least. Play the game, but be aware that anything that skyrockets also plummets.formed
    • always plummets. Always.

      (unless there is a 'reason', supply/demand is not enough)

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