responsive design on a grid

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  • mg330

    Responsive sites just make sense to me for some reason. A big reason is that in my mind, designing for a responsive site means focusing on simplicity of the layout, treating each component like a module that needs to change shape and fit differently depending on the view. It lends to a more simple visual destiny where good typography and proportions can take the place of overblown imagery or complicated patterns that won't scale appropriately.

    Don't approach it with overblown concern for how the page is going to work as you move the browser width back and forth trying to imagine how it will look on mobile and tablets and screens. Stick to the device sizes / media queries and work around that. It's fun to watch it scale from web size to mobile size, but people don't use a site like that; the computer screen is the only place where resizing the window happens. Make that responsive part work as needed, then think of the mobile, tablet versions as their own versions of that larger site. It makes if so much easier in your mind that way.

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