Warriors 2014

Out of context: Reply #27

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  • prophetone0

    ok, so here's the thing. i feel bad now for ranting. haha

    but the rant was fueled by my deep seeded hatred for the way hollywood is homogenizing classic and cult films and rebranding them for the kids now. and let's be honest shit is dumbed down so much now. and it's the big commercial money machine motivation behind it. and the budget is there to do it right. so i don't like it i guess. this is maybe why i'm being drawn now more to films like stoker, looper, etc. the characters are damaged.

    but man even worse they remake a film and just drop the ball on just the feelings the original conveyed. the mood. the recent remake of the thing, are you kidding me? possibly my fav horror film second to tne shining and they screwed the pooch. or let the right one in and evil dead and carrie and oldboy, etc. go forbid someone attempts a shining remake, can you imagine?

    one that got it right imo? dragon tattoo. i love the original more of course but fincher just knows how to get the mood right and in many ways he improved it. and mara brought her a game.

    anyway, eventually finding out this thing was a fan-created indie concept piece on a shoestring budget has my vitriol opinion doing an about face 'n retreat.

    as a visual re-interpretation on its own it's pretty outstanding. clearly nice work. maybe a little too good!

    • agree on all points, well said. I watched both versions of dragon tattoo as well and i have to give the edge to_niko
    • fincher also, captured the mood perfectly and stayed true to the location. Plus hotter actors, sexier scenes :)_niko

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