Burn Out

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • monNom0

    Burnout it a result of too much stress over long term essentially burning down you brain's dopamine/seratonin response. You need to rest your brain to return to normal. This does not mean taking a vacation and working on that big personal project you've always wanted to do, it means taking some time away to not work. to eat well, to sleep at least 8-9hrs each night and to keep a bedtime and follow good sleep hygiene. Don't drink excessively, don't do drugs, be active. Lay in the sun. read a book. stay off the internet.

    Try a 4 day weekend. If that doesn't work, try a two week vacation doing the above. if after that, you still feel burnt out, you might need to step away for a few months of R & R. See a doctor and ask for a note to allow that to happen (medical/stress leave).

    You can grind through it and try to rest outside of work, but that's a very slow road, and if you're at this stage, there's probably something about your workplace that's creating the stress (or if your freelance, you're probably taking on too much work).

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