Soda replacement?

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  • bulletfactory0

    We have a soda stream at home, which I love. Pretty much drink sparkling water all evening (I also have a few mixes, ie: ginger ale, vitamin water, etc - but don't use them.... w/ the exception of making my own tonic for g and t's).

    During the work day, I drink tap water, or from the jug of water mixed with lemon slices, lime and/or cucumber (we have a big pitcher of it in the kitchen).

    I probably drink less than a case of soda (sprite/7up or ginger ale, coke, etc) a year. I drink mostly water, seltzer ...and alcohol. I've found that when i do have a coke or pepsi that's it's almost too sweet to drink.

    • it'll just take time to adjust. After a while, you won't even miss the sugary drinks.bulletfactory

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