We failed

Out of context: Reply #53

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  • mg330


    I think there's some validity to what she's saying, but in the context of OUR own lifetime, I feel like there are more bad things happening, and the potential for unimaginable bad things to happen, than in the 36 years I've been alive.

    To be completely honest, I fear a natural disaster just as much as I fear one caused by man. Nobody knows what will ever happen, but I'm finding that my general worry centers on either

    a) A terrorist attack on the electrical grid in the US that shuts down portions of it for a length of time, causing mass chaos and disorder, especially in big cities like where I live.
    b) a natural disaster like a massive solar flare (scientists are fearing these more and more lately for some reason) that shuts EVERYTHING down for a LONG time, basically taking us back to the 1800s.

    Both of these fears boil down to one thing: the breakdown of society and mass disorder, fighting, looting, etc. that would plague major cities, and almost immediate scarcity of daily resources like water, food, a job to go to, etc.

    And I know you're going to think I'm jumping to some massive conclusions here. But the scary thing is to think how little it might actually take to just really effect things long term. I try to imagine that there are enough people and a strong government to take care of everyone, but I also realize there are a lot of clueless, manipulative, selfish people out there who would do whatever they feel like to succeed.

    I've read that people theorize that 9 out of 10 people would die within a couple months if something catastrophic that happened to the electrical grid that shut it down for years. That's almost unimaginable. So my stress sort've centers around if that happened, would me and my family have the resources to survive and be alight?

    And again, I know, I know... I am probably doing a lot of worrying and pondering for nothing. But I'd way rather suffer the stress of doing that than be absolutely clueless and have no idea what to do in the event of a major disaster.

    • chill out man, fuck. It's all taken care of. We have the internet now. Worry when that goes down.Ianbolton
    • true that the Westerners CAN'T go a long way without electricity.benfal99
    • I'm just sat here waiting for my shopping to be delivered. What a chore my life is.Ianbolton

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