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Out of context: Reply #579

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  • mg330

    ^^^^ Most restaurant websites are the absolute worst. So many were conned into needing Flash slideshows, or needing to buy into some mobile experience that is at a different url, with an experience that sucks. It's always bizarre to me how a business dependent on promoting themselves, their food and drinks, and their customer's reviews can fail so badly at something so simple.

    Even worse, whether it's a separate mobile site or they just don't have one, so many fail to realize that probably 75% or more people that look at a restaurant's website do it on their mobile device, because they're trying to find a place to eat RIGHT NOW. And they have no responsive version, or if they do, it sucks.

    Also bad is the reliance on a PDF for the menu, 2-3 columns that requires constant pinching and zooming to view food items. If these people would just create a website page with properly formatted titles for dishes, drinks, and short descriptions, they would be all kinds of winning.

    Seriously, when I was out of work last year I though about reaching out to some restaurants to consult with them on improving their sites. There are so many unused tools for getting customers to interact directly with a restaurant on the website. They rely so much on social media, Yelp, etc. for feedback that could be directly tied to menu items, a reviews page, etc.

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