Russell Brand

Out of context: Reply #38

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  • Wolfboy0

    I disagree with what he appears to be saying and here are my arguments for why:

    Firstly I say ‘appears to be saying’ because he dodges any direct questions and returns to vague and rather flowery concepts. From what I can gather he is saying that 'we' (because he speaks for most people apparently) don't want a government any more, we don't want people at the top of society running the country. We shouldn’t vote because ‘we’ don’t want to be a part of the system.

    Balls to that. I agree that the current political and economical systems are massively flawed, but that doesn't mean I don't want any politicians and no form of capitalism.

    I want a rethink to the current system and heavier regulation for the corporations and banks. I want an end to first past the post politics because that is where (in the UK certainly) the problems stem. It has bred a culture of politics that is all together too targeted on a small amount of seats and the MPs in the house do not truly represent the numbers of votes across the country. I'll nail my colours to the mast - something which Brand does not do - and say my vote would be for Proportional Representation with an overhaul of the House of Lords - no more un-elected people should have any say in the country.

    I definitely don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water though - I like the fact that you are rewarded for effort and ambition in a capitalist society. More regulation at the top so massive corporations and the super rich can't dodge tax and responsibility while those of us that work hard can have a decent life. I still want a strong welfare state so everyone has on opportunity to do something with their lives, I’m no Tory who just think those at the bottom are scum.

    So there you go, it’s not the florid affected speech pattern or his cerazzeee outfits and spirituality that get’s on my tits; it’s his lack of substance and the amount of apologists who are saying it’s not about giving alternatives, it’s just about starting the conversation. When you're bandying around phrases like Revolution and telling people to opt out of the system, you better have some ideas to say what comes next.

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