Getting older and working in design

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  • jonnypompita0

    I am a 36 year old interactive art director/designer who is also starting to feel burned out with the industry. It's just getting harder and harder to give a shit anymore. I have never held a job outside of creative/advertising so it's scary to even think about doing something else with my life. Been freelance in NYC for the last 6 years and I've been observing alot of the same things mentioned in this thread. The employees at agencies getting younger. The race to the bottom in terms of budgets and timelines. The chaotic approach to getting digital work done. The awful clients, it's really soul killing. At this point I'm going to try to milk every penny I can before I make my exit in the next 4 years. So far it's been working for me.

    Ideally I would love to work in a product based business or even client side in a managerial role. I still love design and would love to continue doing it, just not in an agency environment. I f*cking hate advertising agencies and the holding company bean counters that run things now. I hate the politics and the people who work in these places. I do it only for the money now. Having health insurance through my wife allows me to continue freelancing until I can make my exit.

    • The key is to save enough money for a rainy day. Too many people live paycheck to paycheck and thus have no options.jonnypompita

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