Hey, moderators!

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • 90 Responses
  • Continuity0

    He's trolling, I think, mono.

    Even the most dedicated genuine weirdos would get the hint when a whole group of people tell them they couldn't give even a tenth of a shit about what he's got to say.

    His persistence indicates tolling.

    • Trolling, even.Continuity
    • I guess we can agree to disagree. I believe yurimon confuses our annoyance with avoidance and that fuels his crusade.monospaced
    • It must be so tiring for him. How ironic. He has manifested into the very personality he claims us to be - just a moron with a keyboard.rabbit
    • I've come to the conclusion they're you're way, way, way less cynical that I am, mono. Makes me a bit envious! :DContinuity
    • Hey, for my defense which is allowed, if you look at how the this site works. you see people posting the same thing. like example, religion, trump, etc. so ityurimon
    • my response is repetitive, but cause you no like, but like repetitive other stuff. when i post, the response is to attack me not to really resolve issues.yurimon
    • it appears repetitive but if you look carefully most of the people are in a pattern, we have patterns. im just a minority target so its more attention.yurimon
    • nope, and the fact that you continue to insist that it's because we don't like the topics means you aren't getting any of this.monospaced

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