Overpopulation > Solution

Out of context: Reply #30

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  • drgs1

    My proposed scheme is as follows:
    People climb aboard a shiny white cruise liner, they pass sunbathing cots and walk into clean superficially wellgroomed resort facilities. Then by groups people take the elevator downstairs. The elevator accelerates, and near the bottom without stopping, floor opens itself and everyone falls at high speed into a pool of water. Top grille closes immediately, so no one can get to the surface. During the short fall nobody can even make a scream. People silently drown. By this time the elevator floor closes and the elevator goes upstairs for the next batch of passengers.

    People who are still alive are shoved sideways by a special grate through the water pipes, freeing up space for more visitors of the floating concentration camp.

    After ten minutes (to be sure) fresh corpses can be unloaded. Clothing, jewelry, metal teeth and other things are removed, together with bags and whatever they have with them. The bodies are transported into a giant meat grinder, whose diameter is large enough to fit a whole person.

    Initially, my plan was that people would be locked in a compartment in the end of a corridor, the floor beneath them opens and they immediately fall into several operating meat grinders. There are drawbacks to this plan: First, you need several meat grinders with conveyor belts, and working ones (maintanence), which is expensive. Secondly, the corridor will smell blood. Thirdly, people can manage to scream and be heard. Corpses of course do not manage to free themselves from clothes and things, so we need to send people into the corridor already naked. This complicates the scheme.

    Anyhow, the meat grinder cuts people into relatively large chunks of meat (for self-sealing). BLood is drained into a separate container. Meat is then passed to a bioreactor, which produces organic fuel, which nourishes engine parts, grinders and other mechanisms. Thus, the system is very economical, incomparable with the old skool concentration camps, in which people were wastefully burned.

    Human flesh can be used in other ways. For example to make sausage (with the right sorts of seasonings to make it difficult to tell what kind of sausage it is). Sausages can be distributed as humanitarian aid, and even for enticing new people to the concentration camps (3rd world). In the last instance you can feed it to the fish, do all sorts of nutritional supplements and animal food.

    How many people can fit in such a floating concentration camp? As with all volume problems, I approach it by weight. Lets be modest -- 20 000 tons, which corresponds to approx 200 000 people. For people from poor countries maybe even 300 000.

    A number of these will be processed already at the port. The remains can be drained a few kilometres from the coast. First blood, then other liquid remains. Then start dumping larger chunks. If a few hundred kilometers from the shores some ship detects floating pieces of human fesh, you have a diplomatic scandal. No good. Alternatively, residues can be pressed into cubes, dehydrated and heavy they will immediatelysink to the bottom, without attracting attention.

    How to discreetly develop such sea crafts and put it into series production? At least production of giant meat grinders can be given under the pretext of emergency elimination of pigs infected with swine flu. The pig grinders correspond approximately to human sizes, and can be configured afterwards.

    Loading speed. Averaging batch sizes over time gives approx one person per second. At night you will be able to process about 100 000 people. For two-three days it is possible to load the ship fully, with one extra day of "sailing". In total of 4 days one ship can handle about 200 000 people, or 50 000 people per day. This is an order of magnitude faster than the German concentration camps, because of the proximity of objectives.

    A fleet of 20 such ships is able to handle up to 1 000 000 people per day. If all 20 ships are standing in the dock, without worrying about disguise, the processing speed can be raised to 2 million people per day. To process half of the population of Africa will take less than a year. (More than half the population process is unlikely because of guerrilla resistance etc -- they need to destroyed by conventional warfare, a part of them will die from hunger anyway).

    Open questions for discussion: Lights and video cameras in the drowning tanks - yay or nay (drowning passengers would be watching their drowning neighbors). Who will be removing clothes from the corpes? Also, problems with air locks, stuck body parts in water pipes etc. All of this must be controlled.

    • I am speechless.makeitnice
    • *cancels cruise holidayFax_Benson
    • Callous sociopath shit aside, drowning is one of the werst ways to go. Even the most fucked up scenarios of recent past have been more humane than thatgilgamush
    • *worstgilgamush
    • hitler gonna hitlerdocpoz

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