WordPress beginner

Out of context: Reply #8

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  • dee-dubs0

    In the same boat of having avoided for years but thought may as well get my head round WP.

    Anyway my question, in a site I am working on I need to add a gallery, I have searched for a plugin that does just a simple gallery but not had huge amount of luck finding exactly what I want yet.

    I just want large image at top of page and collection of thumbnails below that change the image above (possibly on new page) with previous and next buttons.

    I found NextGEN which I have installed but I haven't quite worked out if it can do exactly what I want.

    Anyone WP experts have any pointers for me for simple reliable Gallery plugins ? Or is NextGEN what I need and i just need to plod on?

    • NextGen can do anything you need. But it may be a bit bloated for your purposes.fadein11
    • Revolution Slider would do this for you - large image with thumbnails below.fadein11
    • Great - Thanks. Ill see if I can work out more about nextGen or failing that look into revolutiondee-dubs
    • I avoid NextGen and Revolution Slider whenever possible. I recommend https://soliloquywp.… and https://wordpress.or…nocomply

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